lundi 7 novembre 2011

Scroll Carving

Even long before thinking I would become a violin maker, I was carving wood.
Giving a shape to a block of material or carving right into it fascinates me. So when we come to heads, I feel in my element (I don't say that I don't pressurize myself to the highest beauty!)
I like carving scrolls commonly found on instruments of the quartet, I like too the more challenging head carving found more often on viols. I like both equally. I wish I would be asked more often to carve heads rather than scrolls. One day maybe...
Carving a scroll is much faster than carving a head, but in many ways, it can go wrong easier : there is much more roughing out and a much more extended use of the saw. One has to be extremely careful in making sure to cut right and rough out delicately. Also, it is more likely to be on scrolls that asymmetry and irregularities look like mistakes ! So I cannot rush on this one !!

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